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adventure 12 (just my suggestion)

first class route : 

Green (Magic Team) : More than 620,000 combat power 

Red (Physical Team) : More than 700,000 combat power (Changing teams can have at least 650,000 combat power)

Yellow (very strong physics team) : More than 700,000 combat power (Changing teams can have at least 650,000 combat power)

Green (Magic Team): 8-2-4-7-16-23-24-14-26-25(Don't capture, let the red team complete the capture)-26(If you can't win #18 , reserve three step Include two step to boss fights, let the yellow team support) -18(If you can win, keep at least two boss fights)-boss x3

Red (Physical Team): 3-6-10-22-31-36-35 (waiting,you can choose magic reduction, and there will be a magic team behind and the physical reduction is 90%,Isaac Aurora can play )-29-34-25(The green team has already played half of it, and it is easy to occupy)-24-17-11

Yellow (very strong physics team): 9-13-21-30-15-28-20-19(Stop here as a last resort)-20-(If the boss has not been defeated ,boss x2-20)-12-5(There are plenty of points for not fighting bosses,Up to #11 )


1. Special attention should be paid to the control bonus of 100%. If the combat power is not enough, you can not fight first.
2. Pay attention to the 300% tank bonus

¡@Description of the picture below: The left side is suitable for the magic team (with physical damage reduction), and the right side is suitable for the physical team (with magic damage reduction)





second  class route :

Blue: 09-03-06-10-22-31-36-35-29-34-29-30-21-13
Orange: 05-12-15-28-20-12-14-26-18-19-20-Boss(x4) 
Green: 08-02-04-07-16-23-32-33-25-24-17-11
Orange:There are physical reductions and magic reductions (requires physical and magic double practice)
Orange route : 8(#26) ==>The physics team is easy to get stuck (five heroes can't beat a Morrigan                 
Because of the physical damage reduction of 90%)




1.Aurora in the tank +300%, with pet black ghost (cain), can be used as a magic team, magic damage is very strong

2.Isaac against the magic team is the best candidate (reduces magic damage and increases damage)

3.The partner is not fixed, it is a good choice to play one day and two days off (rewards will not be reduced)

How to play adventure in three days: 
1. When you have two portals on your body, can open all boxes , But not the end of the adventure
2. End of the adventure and Raid to solve the second day's mission (after titan update)
3. After the daily update and before the titan update, one more raid to unlock the day 3 mission (Unable to raid after titan update)





