pictrue hero name counter_english counter_chinese
Alvanor Satori (desktop version) – Alvanor provides the team with a shield that absorbs basic attacks. Each time a basic attack is absorbed they gain extra energy and each time they gain energy Satori applies Fox marks to the enemy. When Satori will use his active skill with stacked Fox marks he can one-shot all enemy team in a single ultimate. Celeste Biscuit (pet) Satori—Alvanor 為團隊提供了一個可以吸收基本攻擊的護盾。每次吸收基本攻擊時,他們都會獲得額外的能量,並且每次獲得能量時 Satori 都會對敵人施加狐狸標記。當 Satori 將他的主動技能與堆疊的 Fox 標記一起使用時,他可以在一個大招中一擊所有敵方隊伍。 Celeste Biscuit (pet)
amira If she is in the back position, try Jhu because Jhu is the back row killer. 如果她在後面的位置,嘗試Jhu因為Jhu是後排殺手。
Andvari Satori – Andvari applies a shield to allies to deny physical and pure damage. Shielded ally gets extra energy for damage absorbed. Satori can apply Fox marks each time that ally gains extra energy and later on kill him. Sebastian – denies Andvari’s stuns Magic attack – Andvari has a really low magic defense. but don’t use Twins against him because he has built-in protection to Lars dragging skill. Satori – Andvari 對盟友施加一個護盾,。每當盟友獲得額外能量並隨後殺死他時,Satori 都可以應用狐狸標記。 塞巴斯蒂安 – 否認安德瓦里的眩暈 魔法攻擊——安德瓦里的魔法防禦非常低。但不要使用雙胞胎來對付他,因為他對拉爾斯的拖拽技能有內置的保護。
Arachne Stun removal – heroes like Andvari, Sebastian, Nebula can remove stuns making Arachne much less efficient. Celeste – Denies a lot of healing for Arachne Biscuit (pet) – Denies Arachne’s healing for 30% 眩暈移除——像安德瓦里、塞巴斯蒂安、星雲這樣的英雄可以移除眩暈,從而降低阿拉克尼的效率。 Celeste – 拒絕對 Arachne 進行大量治療 Biscuit (pet) - 拒絕 Arachne 的治療 30%
Artemis Helios – Artemis has a natural built-in critical hit chance so Helios will take her down with no problems. Lian – Charms Artemis once she hits her. Artemis has a lot of aoe damage so she will get charmed quite a lot. Phobos 赫利俄斯——阿爾忒彌斯天生就有暴擊率,所以赫利俄斯可以毫無問題地擊倒她。 Lian – 一旦她擊中她,就會魅惑阿耳忒彌斯。阿爾忒彌斯有很多aoe傷害,所以她會被迷住很多。 Phobos
astaroth Celeste Armor penetration Pet Biscuit Celeste Astaroth 復活治療。Morrigan – 完全否認 Astaroth 復活。;護甲穿透;寵物餅乾 – 復活時會拒絕 30% 的 Astaroth 治療。此外,防止其他英雄如此快地恢復 Astaroth 生命值
Astrid and Lucas Ziri – Ziri is the best defense tank in terms of self-defense. Astrid and Lucas will attack the frontline so having a strong tank is a must. AstridandLucas:Ziri - Ziri是自衛方面最好的防禦坦克。Astrid 和 Lucas 將攻擊前線,因此必須擁有強大的坦克。
aurora Isaac (desktop version) – denies some of the damage Corvus – Aurora does a small amount of damage but pretty frequently, when Corvus altar is up each time Aurora will attack she will hurt herself 艾薩克(桌面版)——否認極光造成的部分傷害,並將其轉化為對敵方隊伍的傷害;Corvus – Aurora 造成少量傷害,但非常頻繁,當 Corvus 祭壇升起時,Aurora 每次攻擊她都會傷害自己
Celeste Cornelius ;Celeste – Celeste can counter Celeste;Karkh can one-shot Celeste with his;Rufus – Hard to kill tank for Celeste and also provides a huge magic damage shield for the team. Works only against mage teams! Cornelius ;Celeste – Celeste 可以反擊 Celeste;Karkh 可以用他的單發 Celeste;Rufus – 難以殺死 Celeste 的坦克,同時也為團隊提供了巨大的魔法傷害護盾。只對法師隊有效!
Chabba Chabba hasn’t a real hard counter. Average tank in general who doesn’t provide that much for the team. Can be really situational. Chabba 並沒有真正的強硬反擊。一般的坦克一般不會為團隊提供那麼多。可以是真正的情境。
Cleaver Dorian – once Dorian is hooked to the frontline he will be able to heal up all allies with his vampiric aura. 多利安——一旦多利安被吸引到前線,他將能夠用他的吸血鬼光環治愈所有盟友。
Cornelius Physical damage teams – Cornelius is anti mage hero and he is totally useless against physical damage teams. Cornelius shouldn’t be used on defense teams. Krista – when you build Lars and Krista right Cornelius will attack Krista instead of Lars. Thanks to Krista’s ability to reduce incoming damage with "Crystallization" skill she will be able to block most of the Cornelius damage. Rufus 物理傷害小隊——科尼利厄斯是反法師英雄,他對物理傷害小隊完全沒用。科尼利厄斯不應該用於防守隊。 Krista——當你建造 Lars 和 Krista 時,Cornelius 會攻擊 Krista 而不是 Lars。由於克麗絲塔能夠通過"結晶"技能減少受到的傷害,她將能夠阻擋大部分科尼利厄斯的傷害。 魯弗斯
Corvus Single target damage – Damage dealers like Jhu, Karkh, etc who deal single target damage will be really good against Corvus. Corvus’s strength hides in his Altar. Unless there is an aoe damage Corvus isn’t that great. 單一目標傷害 – 像 Jhu、Karkh 等造成單一目標傷害的傷害經銷商對 Corvus 非常有效。Corvus 的力量隱藏在他的祭壇中。除非有aoe傷害Corvus不是那麼好。
dante Helios- When Dante is combined with Jet;Jorgen – Works when Dante is used as a frontline hero Jorgen will steal energy from him;Phobos Helios - 當但丁與 Jet 組合;Jorgen – 當但丁被用作前線英雄時工作 Jorgen 會從他身上竊取能量;Phobos
Daredevil Helios (mobile version) – Daredevil’s "Big Badda Boom!" skill can crit and if it crits Helios will deal a lot of damage to her. Also, Daredevil has a built-in critical chance for the mobile version. Corvus – Corvus’ altar can deal a lot of damage to Daredevil because Daredevil has a lot of aoe damage. Phobos Helios(移動版)——夜魔俠的"Big Badda Boom!" 技能可以暴擊,如果暴擊,赫利俄斯會對她造成很大的傷害。此外,Daredevil 對移動版本具有內置的關鍵機會。 Corvus – Corvus 的祭壇可以對夜魔俠造成大量傷害,因為夜魔俠有很多 AOE 傷害。 Phobos 。
Dark Star Use Keira, Karkh, Orion to take her out of the picture and then finish the rest of the team. Needs a second damage dealer to have enough damage to take out the enemy.;Phobos DarkStar無法承受高傷害。使用 Keira、Karkh、Orion 將她從畫面中帶走;Phobos
Dorian Celeste – denies a lot of healing to the enemy team and converts that healing into damage to the enemy. Biscuit (pet) – denies healing for the enemy team. Try to use Biscuit active skill before the damage dealer does most of his damage to deny as much heal as possible. Celeste - 拒絕對敵方隊伍進行大量治療,並將治療轉化為對敵人的傷害。 Biscuit (pet) - 拒絕為敵方隊伍治療。嘗試在傷害輸出者造成大部分傷害之前使用餅乾主動技能以盡可能多地拒絕治療。
Elmir Keira – deals a lot of aoe damage including Elmir’s clones so they won’t survive for too long. ODH – Orion, Dorian, Helios combo works great against Elmir because of hard aoe damage. Strong tanks like Ziri – Elmir attacks the enemy’s frontline only so having a good tank is a must. Phobos 凱拉 – 造成大量範圍傷害,包括埃爾米爾的分身,因此他們不會存活太久。 ODH – 獵戶座、多利安、赫利俄斯的組合對 Elmir 非常有效,因為它的 AOE 傷害很強。 像 Ziri – Elmir 這樣的強大坦克只會攻擊敵人的前線,因此必須擁有一輛好坦克。 Phobos
Faceless Faceless hasn’t a real hard counter. She needs a good team to be a good hero. Try to neutralize hero what Faceless is supporting. Rufus – Hard to kill tank for Faceless and also provides a huge magic damage shield for the team. Works only against mage teams!;Isaac Faceless 並沒有真正的強硬反擊。她需要一支優秀的團隊才能成為一名優秀的英雄。嘗試中和無面者所支持的英雄。 魯弗斯 – 無面者很難殺死坦克,也為團隊提供了巨大的魔法傷害護盾。只對法師隊有效!;艾薩克
Fox High damage – Fox is an average damage dealer who is too squishy to survive high damage. Use Keira, Karkh, Orion to take her out of the picture and then finish the rest of the team. 無法承受高傷害。使用 Keira、Karkh、Orion 將她從畫面中帶走,然後完成團隊的其他成員。
Galahad Jorgen – Galahad need is an energy-hungry hero but Jorgen will steal most of his energy with his basic attacks. Jorgen 竊取他的大部分能量
Ginger Keira, Karkh, and other top-tier damage dealers should beat her easily.;Lian;Phobos Keira、Karkh 和其他頂級傷害輸出者應該可以輕鬆擊敗她。;Lian;Phobos
Heidi Satori (desktop version) – Heidi gains energy once he is camouflage and dodges the next attack on him. Satori will apply Fox marks to him and increase the chance to one-shot Heidi. Corvus – Corvus’ altar can deal a lot of damage to Heidi because Heidi has a lot of aoe damage over time. Satori(桌面版)- 海蒂在偽裝後獲得能量並躲避對他的下一次攻擊。Satori會對他施加Fox標記,並增加一擊Heidi的機會。 Corvus——Corvus的祭壇可以對海蒂造成大量傷害,因為隨著時間的推移,海蒂會造成大量的aoe傷害。
Helios Jorgen;She has to be combined with Orion or other heroes who can provide penetration;Rufus;Cleaver Jorgen;她必須與獵戶座或其他可以提供穿透力的英雄結合使用,否則她無法充分發揮她的潛力。;Rufus;Cleaver
iris Against Iris, if you play manually, you can use Cornelius (if she has higher intelligence, there is a chance to hit her with one shot). You can also use arachne to stop her, jorgen to slow her down, and maya to kill her. 對抗 Iris,如果你手動玩,你可以使用 Cornelius(如果她有更高的智力,有機會一槍擊中她)。 您還可以使用 奧拉克妮 來阻止她,使用 jorgen 來減慢她的速度,並使用 maya 來殺死她。
Isaac Physical damage (desktop version) – Isaac is a magic damage dealer counter. Using a single target physical damage dealer will make Isaac forever to use his active skill to provide his team with armor penetration artifact and damage. Single target damage – for both versions Isaac needs to active his active skill to be effective and useful. Use heroes who won’t hit him with aoe damage to delay his charging uptime. 艾薩克是一個魔法傷害經銷商計數器。使用單個目標物理傷害經銷商將使艾薩克永遠使用他的主動技能為他的團隊提供護甲穿透神器和傷害。單一目標傷害-對於兩個版本,艾薩克都需要激活他的主動技能才能有效和有用。使用不會對他造成aoe傷害的英雄來延遲他的充電時間。
Ishmael Helios;Biscuit (pet) ;Celeste;Phobos Helios;Biscuit (pet) ;Celeste;Phobos
jet Helios- Jet gives his teammates a critical hit chance.Jhu – Jet in most team compositions stands as the last hero. activates his I See You skill; Helios-Jet 給他的隊友一個致命一擊的機會。每次友方英雄暴擊造成傷害時;Jhu – Jet 在大多數團隊組合中都是最後的英雄。一旦激活他的I See You技能
Jhu Martha;Helios – Jhu is a critical hit hero so Helios is the obvious choice against Jhu.Jorgen – Jhu’s power hides in stacking active skills to be immortal for a long period of time and meanwhile kill his opponents. Jorgen will prevent stacking active skills because of energy manipulation. Martha ;Helios – Jhu 是一個重擊英雄,所以 Helios 是對抗 Jhu 的明顯選擇。Jorgen – Jhu的力量隱藏在疊加主動技能以長生不死的同時殺死他的對手。Jorgen 會因為能量操縱而阻止疊加主動技能。
jorgen Satori – Satori applies Fox marks (read damage) each time the enemy gains bonus energy.Martha is strong enough to survive all incoming damage and regenerate health Satori – 每次敵人獲得額外能量時,Martha – Jorgen 的"麻風病"讓 他及隊友可以在短時間內攻擊最遠的敵人。瑪莎足夠強壯,可以承受所有的傷害並恢復健康。
Judge Hasn’t real counters. In my opinion average hero. Judge doesn’t do anything better than any other hero. Just an average hero at everything. 沒有真正的櫃檯。在我看來,普通英雄。法官沒有比任何其他英雄做得更好。在所有方面都只是一個普通的英雄。
Kai Andvari – Denies knock-up from Kai’s tornado. For the mobile version, more heroes will be protected from knock-ups but on the desktop version, this can come in handy as well. Rufus – Hard to kill tank for Kai and also provides a huge magic damage shield for the team Celeste – Counters Kai’s vampiric aura. Instead of healing Kai will receive damage because of converted healing. Andvari – 拒絕被 Kai 的龍捲風擊倒。對於移動版,更多的英雄將受到保護,但在桌面版上,這也可以派上用場。 魯弗斯——凱難以殺死坦克,也為團隊提供了巨大的魔法傷害護盾 Celeste – 克制 Kai 的吸血光環。由於轉換的治療,凱將受到傷害,而不是治療。
Karkh Andvari – doesn’t allow to throw allies into the air;Satori – Satori applies Fox marks to heroes who gain bonus energy.Phobos Andvari - 不允許將盟友拋向空中;Satori – Satori 對獲得額外能量的英雄施加狐狸標記;Phobos
Keira Yasmine (desktop version) Lian Helios – when Keira is combined with Jet Phobos (desktop version) – Phobos can kill Keira if Keira has the highest physical attack on his team. Corvus Yasmine(桌面版) 莉安 --被魅惑幾秒鐘 Helios – 當 Keira 與 Jet 結合時 福波斯——如果凱拉在他的團隊中擁有最高的物理攻擊 Corvus – 祭壇升起時,會觸發 祭壇的傷害
krista Isaac ; Cornelius-offers magic defense for allies ;Sebastian 艾薩克 康奈利-為盟友提供魔法防禦 薩巴斯頓
lars Isaac ; Cornelius-offers magic defense for allies, can deny magic attack to Lars, and has the potential to one-shot Lars ;Sebastian 艾薩克 康奈利-為盟友提供魔法防禦,可能被其一槍打死 薩巴斯頓
lian Hard single target damage – Lian loses her potential if she isn’t being hit. Avoid using damage dealers with aoe damage like Keira, Orion, etc. Karkh will be a good choice against Lian. Sebastian (desktop version) – for the desktop version Sebastian can remove 15 Lian’s charms per his active skill. Corvus – Lian does a good amount of small burst damage. Corvus with his altar can be a good choice against Lian if the enemy team hasn’t too many healers on their side. 單一目標的硬性傷害——如果她沒有被擊中,蓮就會失去她的潛力。避免使用像 Keira、Orion 等具有aoe 傷害的傷害輸出者。Karkh 將是對抗 Lian 的好選擇。 Sebastian(+星雲)—對於桌面版,Sebastian 可以根據他的主動技能移除 15 個 Lian 的魅力。 Corvus – Lian 會造成大量的小爆發傷害。如果敵方隊伍沒有太多的治療者,Corvus 和他的祭壇可能是對抗 Lian 的好選擇。
Lilith if you allow her to stack her violet skill. Use a high damage team (Keira blender, full damage karkh team, etc) with armor penetration and kill her at the beginning of the fight. Biscuit (pet) – Lilith will get less additional Health from "Possession" skill if she gets healing reduction effect from attacks of an enemy hero with Biscuit’s Patronage. Qing Mao – Deals percentage of Lilith’s remaining health. , Qing Mao provides armor penetration 如果你讓莉莉絲疊加她的紫羅蘭技能,她可能無法被殺死。使用具有護甲穿透的高傷害團隊(Keira blender、全傷害 karkh 團隊等)並在戰鬥開始時殺死她。 Biscuit (pet)——如果莉莉絲從擁有餅乾贊助的敵方英雄的攻擊中獲得治療減少效果,則"附身"技能所獲得的額外生命值將減少。 Qing Mao – 造成莉莉絲剩餘生命值的百分比,青貓提供護甲穿透
Luther Faceless – Luther is known because of his ability to jump to the enemy’s backline. Once Luther jumps to the enemy team Faceless will be able to knock him back to Luther’s team frontline. 無面者——路德因其能夠跳到敵人後排而聞名。一旦 Luther 跳到敵方隊伍 Faceless 將能夠將他擊退到 Luther 的隊伍前線。
Markus eleste – denies a lot of healing to the enemy team and converts that healing into damage to the enemy. Biscuit (desktop version) – denies healing for the enemy team. Try to use Biscuit active skill before the damage dealer does most of his damage to deny as much heal as possible. Celeste - 拒絕對敵方隊伍進行大量治療,並將治療轉化為對敵人的傷害。 餅乾(桌面版) - 拒絕為敵方隊伍治療。嘗試在傷害輸出者造成大部分傷害之前使用餅乾主動技能以盡可能多地拒絕治療。
Martha Celeste – denies Martha’s healing abilities and turns that healing into damage;Biscuit(pet)Denies Martha’s healing for 30%;bring her to the frontline. Cleaver-Martha’s healing totem will be destroyed almost instantly once she is at the frontline. Luther Celeste - 否認瑪莎的治療能力並將治療轉化為傷害;Biscuit(pet)30% 的效果拒絕瑪莎的治療;勾住瑪莎並將她帶到前線。Cleaver瑪莎的治療圖騰一到前線就會幾乎瞬間被摧毀。路德
Maya Karkh has enough burst power to take her down easily. Any other hero who has good aoe damage to the enemy’s team middle will be a good choice against Maya.;Satori – Satori will be great if Maya is combined with Jorgen because of Fox marks applied when Jorgen has shielded Maya and she gains extra energy Karkh 有足夠的爆發力輕鬆擊倒她。任何其他對敵方中路有良好aoe傷害的英雄都是對抗瑪雅的好選擇。Satori – 如果 Maya 與 Jorgen 結合,Satori 會很棒,因為當 Jorgen 保護 Maya 時應用了 Fox 標記並且她獲得了額外的能量
Mojo Mojo’s active skill is the only useful thing about him so taking that away will make him useless High burst damage – Mojo is really squishy. Jorgen – denies a lot of energy Cornelius – Can one-shot Mojo Rufus – Absorbs a lot of incoming magic damage from Mojo Lian – ultimate damage will trigger Lian’s charm effect making him stop ulting. Mojo的主動技能是他唯一有用的東西,所以拿走它會讓他毫無用處 高爆發傷害——Mojo真的很軟。 Jorgen – 拒絕大量能量 科尼利厄斯——可以單發魔精 Rufus – 吸收大量來自 Mojo 的魔法傷害 Lian – 給 Mojo 施咒。此外,終極傷害會觸發蓮的魅力效果
Morrigan Celeste – Can counter Morrigan’s healing and turn it into damage to herself and undead heroes and skeletons. Well-timed burst damage – Morrigan starts to heal undead heroes only when the hero drops below 20% of its health. Use burst damage right before Morrigan uses her healing to take down the enemy hero. Celeste – 可以對抗 Morrigan 的治療並將其轉化為對她自己、不死英雄和骷髏的傷害。 適時的爆發傷害——只有當英雄的生命值低於 20% 時,莫里甘才會開始治療不死英雄。在莫莉甘使用她的治療擊倒敵方英雄之前使用爆發傷害。
Nebula Counter heroes who Nebula buffs – the best way how to deal with Nebula is countering heroes who she is supporting. High aoe burst damage – Nebula is a squishy hero you can try to take her out with high burst damage with heroes like Karkh, blender Keira, etc 對抗星雲愛好者的英雄——對付星雲的最佳方法是對抗她支持的英雄。 高 AOE 爆發傷害 - 星雲是一個軟弱的英雄,你可以嘗試使用 Karkh、攪拌機凱拉等英雄以高爆發傷害將她幹掉
orion Satori – Each time Orion gains energy Satori will apply Fox marks on him. Isaac (desktop version) – denies some of the damage Orion does and converts it into damage against the enemy team.Lian Charms Satori – 每次獵戶座獲得能量,Satori 都會在他身上應用狐狸標記;艾薩克(桌面版)——否認獵戶座造成的部分傷害並將其轉化為對敵方隊伍的傷害;莉安魅惑
Peppy Dorian – I would expect 95% of all Peppy teams to use Cleaver as a tank. The #1 tip for beating a team like this is to use Dorian as a backline hero. Don’t position anyone behind Dorian. Cleaver will grapple him with his ultimate and pull him forward which will give your front and middle line heroes his vampirism aura. Jhu;Jorgen ;Isaac Dorian – 我預計 95% 的 Peppy 團隊都會使用 Cleaver 作為坦克。擊敗這樣一支球隊的第一秘訣是使用多里安作為後排英雄。不要將任何人置於 Dorian 身後。Cleaver 將用他的終極技能抓住他並將他向前拉,這將為您的前線和中線英雄提供吸血鬼光環。 Jhu;Jorgen ;Isaac
Phobos Corvus – Corvus is a great counter to Phobos because of his altar. Phobos will slowly kill himself just by Altar damage to him. Use mage teams (desktop version) – Phobos will use his ultimate on the highest physical damage hero, mages will be protected from Phobos damage. Corvus – 祭壇對他的傷害而慢慢殺死自己。 使用法師團隊,終極對最高物理傷害的英雄,法師將免受傷害。
Qing mao High damage to the frontline – even though Qing Mao is a warrior she lacks defense. Focusing damage on the front lane will make Qing Mao die really fast. AOE damage will work as well. Chabba – Chabba can eat for a few seconds enemy’s tank. Once there is no tank in from of Qing Mao she will go down really quickly. 對前線的高傷害——儘管Qingmao是一名戰士,但她缺乏防禦。將傷害集中在前線會讓青茂死得非常快。AOE傷害也會起作用。 Chabba – Chabba 可以吃掉敵人的坦克幾秒鐘。一旦青毛沒有坦克進來,她會很快下降。
Rufus Physical damage – Rufus is an anti-magic damage hero. He dies relatively fast to physical damage. Use Rufus only on offense when against magic damage dealing teamsPhysical damage – Rufus is an anti-magic damage hero. He dies relatively fast to physical damage. Use Rufus only on offense (Rufus: 1. Morrigan can prevent resurrection. 2. Jet cannot restore blood and add critical hit suppression)when against magic damage dealing teams 物理傷害——魯弗斯是一個反魔法傷害英雄。他死於物理傷害相對較快。在對抗魔法傷害造成的球隊時,僅在進攻時使用魯弗斯
Satori Sebastian can remove Fox marks . Nebula – Removes Fox marks to 2 closest allies. Satori won’t be able to one-shot these 2 allies. Celeste – can remove Fox marks to hero with the least health left. Rufus Cornelius – can oneshot Satori, decrease Satori’s ultimate skill level, 塞巴斯蒂安可以移除所有隊友的狐狸標記。 星雲 - 移除 2 個最近盟友的狐狸標記。Satori 將無法一擊這兩個盟友。 Celeste - 可以為生命值最少的英雄移除狐狸標記。 Rufus Cornelius- 可以單打Satori,降低Satori的終極技能等級
Sebastian Phobos – Phobos can kill Sebastian with one ultimate skill if Sebastian has the highest physical attack on his team. Most likely Sebastian will be the second target to Phobos because mostly Sebastian is being used as a critical hit buffer to your main damage dealer. Helios – Helios can be a counter because most of the time Sebastian needs to be paired with a critical hit damage dealer to be fully utilized. Phobos–塞巴斯蒂安在他的團隊中擁有最高的物理攻擊,Phobos可以用一項終極技能殺死塞巴斯蒂安或第二個目標,因為塞巴斯蒂安主要被用作主要傷害經銷商的致命一擊緩衝區。 Helios – Helios 可以作為反擊,因為大多數時候塞巴斯蒂安需要與暴擊傷害經銷商配對才能充分利用。
Thea Jhu – Thea in most team compositions stands as the last hero.;Jorgen ;eleste – denies Martha’s healing abilities and turns that healing into damage;Cleaver can hook Thea and bring her to the frontline Jhu – Thea 在大多數團隊組合中都是最後一個英雄。;Jorgen ;Celeste - 否認瑪莎的治療能力並將治療轉化為傷害;Cleaver 可以鉤住 Thea 並將她帶到前線
Tristan Satori – Tristan gains a lot of extra energy from the ally in front of him. Each time he gets extra energy Satori will apply Fox marks and makes Tristan a potential one-shot victim. Jorgen – denies a lot of energy to Tristan and the hero in front of him. This means Tristan won’t be able to ultimate that often which will result in less damage taken and more importantly less armor penetration applied to your team. Satori – 特里斯坦從他面前的盟友那裡獲得大量額外能量。每次他獲得額外的能量時,Satori 都會應用 Fox 標記並使 Tristan 成為潛在的一次性受害者。 Jorgen – 拒絕給特里斯坦和他面前的英雄很多能量。這意味著特里斯坦不能經常打大招,這會減少受到的傷害,更重要的是減少對你的團隊施加的護甲穿透。
yasmine Helios;Celeste – removes Yasmine’s poison from allies;Corvus – Yasmine’s poison hits an enemy Corvus altar will deal damage to her Helios ;Celeste – 移除友軍身上的 Yasmine 毒藥;Yasmine 的毒藥每次擊中敵人 Corvus 祭壇都會對她造成傷害
Ziri Chabba – Ziri comes back use Chabba’s "Wild Hunger" skill to eat Ziri for 6 seconds and leave the enemy team unprotected for 13 seconds in total. Besides being unprotected for 13 seconds Chabba will mitigate Ziri’s "Reflection of Pain" skill since she can’t be targeted while swallowed. Aoe damage – Ziri is a great tank . The best way to counter her is to bypass her and deal damage to the middle and rear parts of the enemy team. Chabba – Ziri回來後立即使用Chabba的"Wild Hunger"技能吃掉Ziri 6秒,並使敵方隊伍無保護13秒。除了 13 秒不受保護外,Chabba 還會減輕 Ziri 的"痛苦反射"技能,因??為她在吞嚥時無法成為目標。 Aoe傷害——Ziri是一個很棒的坦克,對付她最好的辦法就是繞過她,對敵方隊伍的中後部造成傷害。
1. aoe? area of effect , not a single-target effect  
2.Reference from https://www.herowarsinfo.com/hero-wars-counter/  
3.  ==> 1.similar query text : 20220701 ==>"相似搜尋keyword seach" or 2.起號edit starting no:465~520  ==>"搜尋range seach"