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編輯 刪除 選取10kam Find the team that can be defeated:0
編輯 刪除 選取11kam uery method: 1. Input keyword(english or chinese) on the left of 「相似搜尋keyword」, or you can select the "menu below" to list the data (heros name)0
編輯 刪除 選取12kam2. English users can select the Chinese and English name of the hero from the bottom menu of the Chinese and English comparison(only input english name part) 0
編輯 刪除 選取13kam3. Finally click 「相似搜尋keyword search」 and the data will be listed. 0
編輯 刪除 選取14kam4. Summarize the data of the same team type by date, such as input: 202107130
編輯 刪除 選取15kam5. Anyone can upload a picture to create a file but cannot delete it (use the first column: 1. Select the picture file(選擇檔案) 2. Upload to the uploadfile13 folder(上傳到uploadfile13...) 3. Add an uploaded picture(4.新增上傳圖片) 4. Modify the text data part) 
編輯 刪除 選取16kamHow to modify the text data :yellow color =>Modification range => 圖片起號: start record 圖片迄號: end record (the number on the first column) 
編輯 刪除 選取18kamModified data => The green text in the middle is entered and corresponding to each field, such as: 1.主旨: Aurora+Rufus  
編輯 刪除 選取19kam2. 備註: Aurora Rufus Sebastian Celeste Martha 3. 數字(排序用): date 4. 原檔名: Morrigan prevents Rufus from resurrecting 
編輯 刪除 選取20kam1. Whether there is an abnormal state: Let Sebastian (probably block the debuff, not guaranteed to succeed) enter the field, such as: 0
編輯 刪除 選取21kam(1). Control effects such as: Silence (Isaac), knockback, deceleration, stun, restraint, entanglement, etc. (2). Jorgen energy blockade and 0
編輯 刪除 選取22kamthree-skill damage transfer (3). Mark: Dorian(Blood Spring), Twins(Watermark), Satori (Firefox Mark) (4). Energy loss: The 5th position was0
編輯 刪除 選取23kamissipated by Astaroth, Nebula, Fox0
編輯 刪除 選取24kam2.restraint of opponents: Helios (Yasmin Jhu and other critical strikes), Rufus (magic), Andvari (karkh), Satori (Orion karkh Jorgen), about Jergan(Orion), Corvus 0
編輯 刪除 選取25kam(Reverse Damage Restraining Marksman and Yasmin), Morrigan(Astaroth and Rufus Resurrection Skills), Dorian (Undead)0
編輯 刪除 選取26kamJhu (back row), pet of Axel (Jhu), Isaac is afraid of pure injury heroes (pet Albus protects objects), but restrains magic heroes0
編輯 刪除 選取27kam(plus Sebastian and Albus is better), Yasmin poison is only Celeste and Nebra can solve0
編輯 刪除 選取28kam3.Aurora is the evasion hero of magic attacks, Dante is the evasion hero of physical attacks, Qing Mao is the evasion hero of physical and 0
編輯 刪除 選取29kampure damage,Heidi is the evasion hero of pure damage, physical attacks can only be critical strikes, and silence is forbidden. Language Magic0
編輯 刪除 選取30kam Skills (Isaac Thea Keira),Blinding is a blinding physical attack (Qing Mao Pebby Fox Artemis and pet dogs), dodge can only dodge physical attacks (except Heidi), so physical attack heroes0
編輯 刪除 選取31kamare afraid of heroes with dodge, dodge heroes are afraid of magic heroes ( Except Aurora),0
編輯 刪除 選取32kammagic heroes are afraid of physics heroes,Pure damage heroes themselves, ignoring magic armor and physical armor, but usually not much blood,0
編輯 刪除 選取33kamneed a strong tank and a good match0
編輯 刪除 選取34kam4.Twins sisters intelligence is greater than her brothers, so shes not afraid of old man Cornelius0
編輯 刪除 選取35kam5.Against the karkh team : blood control(Three with the lowest blood volume) + pet of Axel0
編輯 刪除 選取36kam6.Liane tactics: Liane cannot defeat: 1. Powerful tank + pet-Oliver 2. Rufus 3. pet-Albus 4. Sebastian + Nebula (if not immobilized) 5. Corvus summoned altar0
編輯 刪除 選取37kam7.Encounter Dante + Isaac can use Heidi to fight0

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10 kam Find the team that can be defeated: 0
11 kam uery method: 1. Input keyword(english or chinese) on the left of 「相似搜尋keyword」, or you can select the "menu below" to list the data (heros name) 0
12 kam 2. English users can select the Chinese and English name of the hero from the bottom menu of the Chinese and English comparison(only input english name part) 0
13 kam 3. Finally click 「相似搜尋keyword search」 and the data will be listed. 0
14 kam 4. Summarize the data of the same team type by date, such as input: 20210713 0
15 kam 5. Anyone can upload a picture to create a file but cannot delete it (use the first column: 1. Select the picture file(選擇檔案) 2. Upload to the uploadfile13 folder(上傳到uploadfile13...) 3. Add an uploaded picture(4.新增上傳圖片) 4. Modify the text data part)
16 kam How to modify the text data :yellow color =>Modification range => 圖片起號: start record 圖片迄號: end record (the number on the first column)
18 kam Modified data => The green text in the middle is entered and corresponding to each field, such as: 1.主旨: Aurora+Rufus
19 kam 2. 備註: Aurora Rufus Sebastian Celeste Martha 3. 數字(排序用): date 4. 原檔名: Morrigan prevents Rufus from resurrecting
20 kam 1. Whether there is an abnormal state: Let Sebastian (probably block the debuff, not guaranteed to succeed) enter the field, such as: 0
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