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167英雄hero pet 第十二關.JPG   20210606
296英雄hero pet 最新英雄評價 20211012
366傷害計算 pet 傷害計算 顏色 傷害顏色 20211105
380Damage calculation (pet) Damage color .JPG   20211105
417英雄hero pet battle.JPG   20220221
418英雄hero pet battle2.JPG   20220221
465Alvanor Satori (desktop version) – Alvanor provides the team with a shield that absorbs basic attacks. Each time a basic attack is absorbed they gain extra energy and each time they gain energy Satori applies Fox marks to the enemy. When Satori will use his active skill with stacked Fox marks he can one-shot all enemy team in a single ultimate. Celeste Biscuit (pet) Satori—Alvanor 為團隊提供了一個可以吸收基本攻擊的護盾。每次吸收基本攻擊時,他們都會獲得額外的能量,並且每次獲得能量時 Satori 都會對敵人施加狐狸標記。當 Satori 將他的主動技能與堆疊的 Fox 標記一起使用時,他可以在一個大招中一擊所有敵方隊伍。 Celeste Biscuit (pet) 20220701
468Arachne Stun removal – heroes like Andvari, Sebastian, Nebula can remove stuns making Arachne much less efficient. Celeste – Denies a lot of healing for Arachne Biscuit (pet) – Denies Arachne’s healing for 30% 眩暈移除——像安德瓦里、塞巴斯蒂安、星雲這樣的英雄可以移除眩暈,從而降低阿拉克尼的效率。 Celeste – 拒絕對 Arachne 進行大量治療 Biscuit (pet) - 拒絕 Arachne 的治療 30% 20220701
470astaroth Celeste Armor penetration Pet Biscuit Celeste Astaroth 復活治療。Morrigan – 完全否認 Astaroth 復活。;護甲穿透;寵物餅乾 – 復活時會拒絕 30% 的 Astaroth 治療。此外,防止其他英雄如此快地恢復 Astaroth 生命值 20220701
481Dorian Celeste – denies a lot of healing to the enemy team and converts that healing into damage to the enemy. Biscuit (pet) – denies healing for the enemy team. Try to use Biscuit active skill before the damage dealer does most of his damage to deny as much heal as possible. Celeste - 拒絕對敵方隊伍進行大量治療,並將治療轉化為對敵人的傷害。 Biscuit (pet) - 拒絕為敵方隊伍治療。嘗試在傷害輸出者造成大部分傷害之前使用餅乾主動技能以盡可能多地拒絕治療。 20220701
491Ishmael Helios;Biscuit (pet) ;Celeste;Phobos Helios;Biscuit (pet) ;Celeste;Phobos 20220701
502Lilith if you allow her to stack her violet skill. Use a high damage team (Keira blender, full damage karkh team, etc) with armor penetration and kill her at the beginning of the fight. Biscuit (pet) – Lilith will get less additional Health from “Possession” skill if she gets healing reduction effect from attacks of an enemy hero with Biscuit’s Patronage. Qing Mao – Deals percentage of Lilith’s remaining health. , Qing Mao provides armor penetration 如果你讓莉莉絲疊加她的紫羅蘭技能,她可能無法被殺死。使用具有護甲穿透的高傷害團隊(Keira blender、全傷害 karkh 團隊等)並在戰鬥開始時殺死她。 Biscuit (pet)——如果莉莉絲從擁有餅乾贊助的敵方英雄的攻擊中獲得治療減少效果,則“附身”技能所獲得的額外生命值將減少。 Qing Mao – 造成莉莉絲剩餘生命值的百分比,青貓提供護甲穿透 20220701
505Martha Celeste – denies Martha’s healing abilities and turns that healing into damage;Biscuit(pet)Denies Martha’s healing for 30%;bring her to the frontline. Cleaver-Martha’s healing totem will be destroyed almost instantly once she is at the frontline. Luther Celeste - 否認瑪莎的治療能力並將治療轉化為傷害;Biscuit(pet)30% 的效果拒絕瑪莎的治療;勾住瑪莎並將她帶到前線。Cleaver瑪莎的治療圖騰一到前線就會幾乎瞬間被摧毀。;路德 20220701

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編輯 選取366傷害計算 pet 傷害計算 顏色 20211105JPG 傷害顏色
編輯 選取380Damage calculation (pet) Damage color .JPG 20211105JPG
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